Francina Fernandez

Francina Fernandez has been a name that’s impossible to ignore on the European BMX scene over the past years.

March 11, 2025
  • BMX
  • Athletes

Francina Fernandez has been a name that’s impossible to ignore on the European BMX scene over the past years. Originally hailing from Bogota in Colombia, Franci was a self-proclaimed wild child who decided to find her path outside of Latin America, originally heading to the US before finding her place in Barcelona and a deep BMX community that has carried her and indeed that she has been instrumental in carrying. Franci has been described by her teammates as the ‘The Sun’, emitting radiance, good vibes, light, salsa dancing and music everywhere she goes. A strong activist for women’s BMX, we have the feeling with these strong foundations, Franci is just getting started…

For those of us that don’t know you, can you introduce yourself?

I’m Francina Fernandez, I’m 26 years old. I was born in Bogota, Colombia. I came to Barcelona 4 years ago, to try and find the best quality of life for me, professionally, personally and for riding. I love Colombia, but there is a lack of opportunity so I thought by travelling I could find my place. I went to the US first - which I loved but it was hard as an immigrant to find time for BMX, the thing I love as there was just too much work to sustain myself. As soon as I got to Barcelona I knew I had found my place. I found a big crew and a lot of motivation to ride and opportunities I never felt was possible at home.

How’s life in Barcelona?

Moving here was the best decision of my life, when I first arrived here I met so many people that are like family now. I have time for my passion which is BMX, it’s a better quality of life for me and my family. I can work, ride, travel – many opportunities that in Latin America it’s not always easy to have. My life changed a full 180! I’m working in a coffee shop at the moment which is great, I get to hang with people and talk – I love it.

Talk us through your journey in BMX.

It all started 14 years ago, I was a crazy child, so I wasn’t allowed out much. I was always at home, looking out of the window to the street and I remember seeing guys building a ramp and I thought “what is that.” So I escaped out of the house and went to see what these guys were up to. At this point I didn’t even know how to ride a bike, these guys started to teach me – I’ll always remember them. They took me to the skatepark, I was so nervous, I was the only girl at that moment there. But they supported me so much and that is where it all began.

During this journey there has been a lot of stories, a lot of injuries but it’s also a story of new beginnings. BMX saved my life and my mental health, you fight a lot with BMX to get tricks – but this taught me to not give up. Life isn’t always easy and BMX helped me get through it. My riding changes every day, I never thought I would be where I am now, it’s a dream come true. I’m so happy to have my bike and my community – it’s amazing.

How do you feel about the women’s BMX scene?

When I started I was all alone, I could count the girls that did BMX in Latin America on my hand. We were talking via Facebook. Now there are a lot, there’s a lot of support from everyone. Now the girls are constructing the entire BMX scene with the guys. We are always growing, we are always looking to support the new generation and make it better for them – to make it bigger and stronger for them. It’s a good time for BMX now for everyone.

For me it feels amazing, women’s BMX is as fresh as the last Coca Cola in the desert. It’s a blessing to be a female BMXer.

Can you describe your local scene in Barcelona?

It’s huge. It’s so big we can’t all share everything all the time. There’s a lot of energy, we support and love each other a lot. A lot of people are coming here to live and that’s creating a lot of different crews throughout Barcelona, I think that’s cool as there is always someone doing something – clothes, video parts, premieres, workshops, coaching kids. It’s such a vibrant scene!

How would you describe the vibe within the Vans BMX team?

I love them with all of my heart. We are all crazy. All the things that I think you can feel in the videos, we are like that. We are like kids with such a big love for BMX. We’re all deeply in touch with our inner child and I feel that’s super important in the life of a person. It’s a beautiful team and one that I learn a lot from, also the filmers and the team manager. The guys all motivate me so much. We’re going places!

Any specific crews you ride with?

I’m riding with my girls, the Cliché crew for the past 3 years. In Barcelona I ride with a crew of girls, we don’t have a specific name but we’re always together, we’re a family.

Talk to us about Girlhood.

It was a BMX film we came out with last year with the support of Vans and with DIG BMX. It’s such an important time for me, it changed the perspective of girls BMX, not just for the people that watched it but also for us. We wanted to show not just the tricks and riding but with the right crew around you, you can really do anything you want to do, and connect with your inner child for the love of your passions.

What and who inspires you in BMX?

All my girls across the world. It inspires me to see how the new generation and the old guard are pushing the scene together. Specifically, Camila Harambour, Gina Petrella, Katherine Díaz, Perris and Angie! I would say my main inspiration is just seeing every day on my phone what the girls are doing, they are pushing themselves, breaking down boundaries and growing the scene.

And outside of riding, what gets you fired up?

I like to dance a lot. I was thinking that if I didn’t BMX, what would I do? And it would be dancing. I always wanted to be a dancer. I like to go to the gym, it’s good to feel fit but also to know more about how the body performs. I’m also working on my own community in female BMX with my good friend Kona Vasquez called Jewels BMX, I would love to be an activist in that sphere. I also love to sing!

What’s next for you?

I’m recovering from my injuries from last year, it was a hard year! We have another Vans video in the works which I am really excited for. I’m also working on my community, promoting mental health through female BMX and creating spaces for that. That’s the most important thing for me right now.

Favourite Vans shoe to ride in?

The 114! And also the Half Cab, I love it.

Any last words? A message for the internet? A message to your former self?

Don’t lose the faith in yourself and the things that you love. Always believe in yourself. I have this saying that I repeat a lot to myself:

“Because it’s never too late, and time only runs out when life ends. Until then, there is always a possibility for everything.”