Livia Tannò is a young talent from Switzerland, a veritable prodigy of LAAX, and the wider Swiss community.
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Janosch Klaus
Janosch Klaus is leading the new wave in BMX, defining an era that draws inspiration from both past and present and in the process cementing BMX firmly into 2025.

January 31, 2025
- Athletes
Janosch Klaus is leading the new wave in BMX, defining an era that draws inspiration from both past and present and in the process cementing BMX firmly into 2025. A mix of fashion and riding, Janosch and his crew shimmy left when everyone is expecting them to go right, chinging pegs off things that shouldn’t really be accessible with the most buttery of styles. Having recently put out his Flying High part, we decided to check in with the man himself to talk his journey, life in Zurich, community and all-important facet of fashion in the BMX scene.
So Janosch, introduce yourself!
My name is Janosch Klaus, I am 23 years old. I live in Zurich, Switzerland. I grew up a little outside of the city, but have been living in the city for the past four years. I wouldn’t say we have a big BMX scene here but we have a beautiful friendship group of BMX riders and there is always someone down to ride.
Talk us through your journey in BMX thus far?
I started to ride bikes when I was 3 or 4 years old, and since then I fell in love. No one was riding BMX or we didn’t have a park in my city but there was a mountain bike trail and as a I kid I was really into trying everything, so was mountain biking for a while, and then when I was 11 I got my first BMX. I met people at the racetrack which got me into mountain biking so I was in-between both, and enjoyed competing downhill mountain biking. I always felt comfortable and at home on bikes, it’s my safe space. It’s always been about the fun and the passion. Now it feels amazing to get some attention, and be able to BMX for Vans, born from a place of love.
Describe your local scene in Zurich.
I wouldn’t say we have a big BMX scene here but we have a beautiful friendship group of BMX riders and there is always someone down to ride. Before there was about 15 people or so I looked up to riding as a young kid, then it slowed down a little bit. People then moved on, but now the scene is pretty vibrant again. For the size of the city, we have a lot of good spots and a lot of good riders in a big friend group – the Zurich scene is one big family. I see more and more kids starting to ride which is great, I’ve been giving some lessons in the skate park to some kids, getting more youngsters on the bike!
How important is community to you?
It’s everything to me. If I can help to build the community we have here in BMX in Zurich in whatever way I can then that’s really important to me. The youth is the future!

How is your average day in Zurich?
For us, Saturdays are for riding with the crew. Saturday morning there is an amazing flea market downtown, we always try to get there early as otherwise all the best stuff is gone. Then we grab coffee on the bikes, drink that then we go ride! It’s great as we can get around the whole city by bike, no need to take the car. The city is our playground. I’d say I’ve been riding here for 10 years, so we have the spots pretty well mapped out… That being said it’s always nice to go somewhere else!
And where is that for you, where do you like to go?
I mean it’s the most standard answer of all BMX riders, but Barcelona is always the best - it’s the BMX mecca, the place to be. But there is a scene that goes with that, for better or for worse – Zurich is more low key. Copenhagen is always fire but the Spanish vibes are the one for me. It’s fantastic. I ride in a tight crew called the 22 Cru in which one of them lives in Barcelona so it’s like coming home, we stay with him and have the best experience.
Tell us more about the 22 CRU?
The whole BMX scene is a friend group, but the 22 Cru in particular is a little closer circle. We’ve all been riding for a while together, it’s the people I feel closest with – my best friends. When we’re together with a group we push and inspire each other. We aren’t the most active but we try and put out the best quality output and clips we can, we are authentic and do what we feel is best! We have an amazing bunch of talented people, riders, filmers and graphics guys – we even have a tailor. We all learn so much from each other and have a great time doing so. We’re obsessed with details and doing the very best we can…
You recently put out your High Flyers part with Dig, where did you film for that?
Most of this video was filmed around Zurich and all over Switzerland. I was doing social-military work this year which is full time (military conscription is still active in Switzerland, but if you object, you can also do social-service). But in summer I got some time off. My friends and I went to Copenhagen for three weeks and I was able to get some clips there too. Shout out to my T.M Marcus and his brother for arranging the accommodation! For the filming and editing, I would want to thank Basil and Lui, my day ones. Graphics made by Illija – such a fun project to work on.
How would you describe the vibe within the Vans BMX team?
We’ve been to Barcelona and Madrid together and had an amazing time. Everyone is kind and rides really hard. It all feels very harmonic and natural. We’re really lucky to have Alex Valentino as a TM who is amazing, his belief and love for the culture is amazing and it’s an honour to work with him.

What and who inspires you in BMX?
22 Cru! My homies, my friends! There are also a ton of famous riders that really inspired me as a kid and continue to do so but I’m deeply motivated by my friends. Also my team mates on the Stranger and Primo team really inspire me. Simone Barraco is very much the GOAT in my eyes.
And outside of BMX? What gets you fired up?
I’m really interested in fashion, if you have a fresh outfit on – you can pop a little higher. The rollout will look a lot cleaner. Skateboarding is also a big factor in terms of approach to spots, how they film and also how they dress! There’s a ton of amazing skate filmers that really inspire our crew.
Favourite Vans shoe to Ride in?
The Halfcab. All day. Everyday.
Any last words? A message for the internet? A message to your former self?
Thanks to everyone, to all those support me. To Vans, and to the whole BMX community. Keep pushing.